Honduras: Organization of legal education

Honduras: Organization of legal education

International standards on the judiciary, legal profession, and prosecutors all affirm the need for these professionals to have appropriate training and qualifications.{{1}} They clarify that the requirement of requisite qualifications and training extends not only to...
Honduras: Organization of legal education

Honduras: Integrity and accountability of the prosecutorial services

Prosecutors at all levels, like other public officials, must accountable when they have been involved in violations of human rights or other breaches of professional standards, including in proceedings based on complaints brought by individuals.{{1}}  Disciplinary...
Honduras: Organization of legal education

Honduras: Prosecutors’ freedom of expression and association

Like other citizens, prosecutors are entitled to exercise freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly.{{1}}  In addition to the right to form and join professional associations, prosecutors have the right collectively and individually to take part in...
Honduras: Organization of legal education

Honduras: The prosecutor’s career

Persons selected as prosecutors must be individuals of integrity and ability, with appropriate training and qualifications.{{1}} Accordingly, States must ensure that selection criteria embody safeguards against appointments based on partiality or prejudice, and that...
Honduras: Organization of legal education

Honduras: Functioning of the prosecutorial services

Prosecutors must carry out their functions fairly and effectively, in an independent, impartial and objective manner, without discrimination of any kind.{{1}}  They must maintain the honour and duty of their profession, and must respect and protect human dignity and...
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