Burundi Violence: civil society UN side event (live webcast)

Burundi Violence: civil society UN side event (live webcast)

The ICJ joins other non-governmental organisations in co-sponsoring “Escalation of Violence in Burundi: Human rights defenders voices from the ground”, a side event to the Human Rights Council’s special session on Burundi, 17 December 2015.

The event will take place Thursday 17 December – 9.00-10.00 am in Room XII, Palais des Nations, Geneva


Mr Pierre Claver Mbonimpa, Association for the Protection of Human Rights and Incarcerated Persons (APRODH)
Ms Margaret Barankitse, Maison Shalom
Mr Anschaire Nikoyagize, Ligue ITEKA
Ms Carina Tertsakian, Human Rights Watch

The event will be moderated by Nicolas Agostini of FIDH.

The event will be webcast live by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR).

Follow on twitter using the hash-tag #BurundiHRDs

A flyer for the event is available here: Burundi-UNHRC-Advocacy-SideEvent-2015

Concluding Observations, CAT/C/BDI/CO/2, 26 November 2014: Burundi

C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Discrimination based on sexual orientation 23. The Committee is concerned at the fact that homosexuality is an offence under the Criminal Code and at reports of homosexuals being subject to threats to their physical...

Concluding Observations, CCPR/C/BDI/CO/2, 27 October 2014: Burundi

C. Principal areas of concern and recommendations Discrimination based on sexual orientation 8.The Committee is concerned by reports that homosexuals are faced with threats to their physical integrity, intimidation and discrimination in various spheres of life. In...
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