Pakistan: UN Counter-terrorism experts visit Pakistan

In November, a delegation of UN counter-terrorism officials, led by the head of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) visited Pakistan to examine the country’s counter-terrorism measures and to evaluate the nature and level of assistance necessary to...

Tanzania: Visit of UN counter-terrorism experts

A group of experts led by the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) visited Tanzania from 13 to 17 February to assess Tanzania’s implementation of Security Council resolution 1373 and to evaluate the need for technical assistance to counter...

UN: Security Council resolution on incitement to terrorism

On 14 September, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution that calls on all states to prohibit incitement to commit terrorist acts, to prevent such conduct and deny safe haven to anyone involved in such a conduct....

Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee visits Kenya

In a visit to Kenya in May 2005, a CTC expert delegation stressed the importance of criminalizing terrorism and the adoption of instruments to control the financing of terrorism. The CTC praised Kenya for considering the creation of a terrorism financing unit. UN...
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