ICJ adressed meeting focusing on criminal responsibility of corporations and business persons

Nov 7, 2013 | Events, News

The ICJ addressed the 15th Meeting of the European Network of Contact Points for investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

The meeting, which took place in the Hague, had a focus on criminal responsibility of corporations and business persons for serious international crimes and congregated a number of European public prosecutors and investigators.

In its presentation, Carlos Lopez, Senior Legal Adviser at ICJ, addressed ways to overcome difficulties in prosecuting business corporations.

He focused on three cases that are among the ones most advanced in the investigation and prosecution stage of business corporations for crimes under international law: the Riwal/Lima Holding, the Amesys and the Lundin Petroleum cases.

They illustrate the acute dilemmas that public prosecutors are likely to face in these kind of cases and how difficult to solve them it may be.

The full ICJ presentation and the agenda of the meeting can be downloaded in pdf format below.

The Hague Meeting-Prosecuting corporations-Presentation-analysis brief-2013

The Hague Meeting-Prosecuting corporations-Agenda-2013





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