Attacks on Justice 2005: Republic of Maldives

Issue: Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Document Type: Publication
Date: 2008

The Republic of Maldives suffers from a weak judicial system which functions as a branch of the executive.

Judges have limited safeguards against undue influence, do not enjoy security of tenure, and are bound by the interpretations of the law made by the executive. The legal profession is nascent and subjected to an arbitrary form of regulation by the executive.

The poor access to justice has led to a profound lack of trust in the judicial system, and caused significant problems for the protection of human rights. In response to domestic disquiet and international concern, in June 2004 President Gayoom announced a program of democratic reform to legalise political parties and create an independent judiciary. The outcome and credibility of the reform program is not yet evident.

Republic of Maldives-Attacks on Justice 2005-Publications-2008 (full text, PDF)

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