The ICJ in collaboration with the Rajpipla Social Service Society, India, organised in December 1987, a South-Asian Seminar on Legal Services for the Rural Poor and Other Disadvantaged Groups in South Asia.
The purpose of the seminar was to: (a) identify the obstacles faced by the poor and the disadvantaged and by the legal resource groups that work with them; (b) examine and compare the work of existing legal resource groups in the region; (c) make their work more effective through sharing of experiences; and (d) discuss ways and means to overcome obstacles and to stimulate new groups.
Participants who came from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka included lawyers working with the disadvantaged, law teachers and students and representatives of grass-roots organisations. In addition to the South-Asian participants there were also observers from the Philippines and Thailand.
South Asia-legal services for Rural poor-seminar report-1987-eng (full text in English, PDF)