Democratisation and the rule of law in Kenya: ICJ mission report

Issue: Global Security
Document Type: Fact Finding Mission
Date: 1997

In July 1993, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) sent a Mission to Kenya.

The Mission was composed as follows: Mr. Justice Enoch Dumbutshena, a former Chief Justice of Zimbabwe and the Vice-President of the ICJ; Prof. Kofi Kumado of the Faculty of Law, University of Ghana, Legon (Ghana) who is a member of the Executive Committee of the ICJ and Chairman of HURIDOCS (Human Rights Information and Documentation System International, Geneva; Mr. Adama Dieng, Secretary-General of the ICJ; Professor Daniel Marchand, Professor of Law in Paris and a member of the ICJ.

The aims and objectives of the Mission were: (a) to inquire into the recent developments as they affect the Rule of Law, respect for human and peoples rights and the independence of the Judiciary and the Legal Profession in Kenya; (b) to study and report on the constitutional and legal changes necessary for the transition to a multiparty democracy; (c) to recommend practical measures aimed at encouraging the emergence of a civil society which can serve as agents and protectors of democratic culture in Kenya; (d) to recommend ways and means through which the International Community can assist the people and Government of Kenya to strengthen the in situations of democracy, such as the Electoral Commission, Parliament, the courts, the media and non-governmental organisations.

Kenya-democratisation and rule of law-fact finding mission report-1997-eng (full text in English, PDF)

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