To mark International Year for Human Rights, the European Sections of the ICJ organized a Conference on the Individual and the State.
This Conference, which considered the essential legal elements to ensure the protection of the individual, was held at the Council of Europe, Strasbourg, on 26th and 27th October 1968.
It was the second ICJ Conference held in Human Rights Year, the first being the Bangalore Conference on the Right to Freedom of Movement held in January, 1968.
The Conference was followed by a meeting of the European National Sections, which was also held at the Council of Europe, on the afternoon of 27th October.
The Conference had referred to the meeting of European Sections the formulation of the text of a Resolution on Czechoslovakia. The text of the Resolution, as adopted by the meeting, is given immediately below and is followed by the Conclusions and General Recommendations of the Conference itself.
individual and the state-conference report-1968-eng (full text in English, PDF)