From 25 February through 4 March 1983 Prof. Griffiths and Prof. Bossuyt were sent as observers on behalf of the ICJ on a mission concerning the human rights situation in Suriname.
Prior to the present mission the ICJ had expressed to the government of Suriname its concern about the events of 8—9 December 1982, when 15 prominent opposition figures met their death while in the custody of the army.
Most of them were members of a recently formed Suriname Association for Democracy, which had, in an open letter to Col. Bouterse, Chairman of the Military Council, called for a constructive dialogue with a view to a return to constitutional rule, parliamentary elections and the Rule of Law.
The purpose of the ICJ mission was to enquire into the present situation concerning the rule of law and the system of justice, including legal guarantees for ensuring the fair trial of suspects with an independent judiciary and legal profession.
Suriname-human rights-fact finding mission report-1983-eng (full text in English, PDF)