ICJ Annual Report 2014 now online

Document Type: Publication
Date: 2015

The ICJ has issued its Annual Report 2014, which offers a concise summary of the work carried out by the ICJ over the last year.

In 2014, the world witnessed a new threat to its peace and security with the growing menace of publicity-seeking extremist groups, committing acts of unspeakable barbarity, inflicting wanton cruelty on innocent individuals around the globe.

In addition to the threat to human rights that these groups pose in and of themselves are the threats to human rights that arise from states counter-terrorism efforts that confine the space in which fundamental freedoms are accessible to its citizens.

The ICJ does not believe that counter-terrorism efforts give states carte blanche to disregard their human rights obligations.

Throughout 2014, the ICJ proactively advocated for the accountability of officials responsible for torture, enforced disappearances and other human rights violations that occurred in the course of the CIA’s rendition and secret detention programmes.

In May 2014, Thailand underwent its twelfth military coup since 1932, which has resulted in the implementation of a wide range of measures in clear contravention of Thailand’s international human rights obligations.

The ICJ has worked diligently to remind Thailand of its international responsibilities and to highlight these violations to the international community.

The rule of law cannot exist without an impartial and effective judiciary. In 2014, the ICJ shone a spotlight on the lack of judicial independence in Venezuela through a series of publications, press releases and public events.

The ICJ was also compelled to condemn the judicial persecution of prominent Swazi human rights defender Thulani Maseko, after he was charged and sentenced to two years imprisonment following the publication of an article criticizing judicial conduct.

In 2015, the ICJ intends to develop its work with the institutions of the EU and strengthen its voice in Europe, following the establishment of the ICJ-European Institutions Brussels office.

In Europe and Central Asia, the ICJ will continue its dedicated work on migration and will look to geographically expand its programme of activities further.

In Asia, the ICJ will continue its work with the judiciary in Myanmar and efforts to counter the increasing use of military courts for civilians across the region.

In Africa, the ICJ will be starting a new project in Swaziland and continuing its work to strengthen regional networks of human rights defenders and lawyers.

In Central and South America, the ICJ will continue to strive for justice for victims of enforced disappearances.

In the Middle East, the ICJ continues to expand its field presence and to work for the implementation of strong regional human rights standards.


Universal-ICJ Annual Report-Publications-Annual Report-2015-ENG (full ICJ Annual report 2014 in PDF, high resolution, best quality)

Universal-ICJ Annual Report low res-Publications-Annual Report-2015-ENG (full ICJ Annual report 2014 in PDF, low resolution, lighter, but lesser quality)

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