ICJ Bulletin no. 10 (January 1960)

Document Type: Publication
Date: 1960

The 10th edition of the bulletin reflects on the major international legal events of 1959 and outlines the issues of the coming period and the policies adopted to address them.

The previous issues of the bulletin as well as the present one contain articles on the problems of the rule of law in new and nascent countries side by side with reports on legal developments in older States.

The 1960s have seen rapid strikes made by former colonial territories towards complete independence. Whether the rule of law will find expression in the public life of newly independent states is naturally a matter of concern to the ICJ. The opportunity is there for all countries to choose for themselves, without foreign interference and with the freedom, welfare and progress of their peoples as their only guide.

This issues focuses on aspects of the rule of law in:

  • Ceylon
  • China
  • Czechoslovakia
  • Greece
  • India
  • Kenya
  • Poland
  • Tibet
  • United Nations

ICJ Bulletin-10-1960-eng (full text in English, PDF)

ICJ Bulletin-10-1960-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)

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