ICJ Bulletin no. 33 (March 1968)

Latin America
Document Type: Publication
Date: 1968

This edition coincides with the Geneva Conference on Human Rights held in May 1968. The General Conclusions, summarized in this bulletin, deserve the attention of everyone interested in promoting human rights irrespective of religious or political affiliation.

The bulletin no.33 includes the first international Conference of Jurists to discuss the important right to Freedom of Movement. In addition to the right of freedom of movement as defined by Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the conference discussed a proposal for the establishment of a council of Asia and the Pacific. Designed as a contribution to the International Year for Human Rights, this Conference was the first international event to be held within the framework of the Year.

This edition also contains articles on the aspects of the rule of law in:

  • Rhodesia
  • Switzerland
  • St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla
  • Yugoslavia

plus ICJ news.

ICJ Bulletin-33-1968-eng (full text in English, PDF)

ICJ Bulletin-33-1968-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)

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