ICJ Journal vol. VII no. 1 (1966)

Document Type: Publication
Date: 1966

This legal Journal is devoted to the administration of justice within different countries. It also strives to deepen understanding of and widen agreement on the principles of the rule of law in all countries.

This edition features:

  • The XXth International Conference of the Red Cross: results in the legal field, by Jean Pictet
  • Two aspects of pre-trial procedure in Eastern Europe, by Pauline B. Tayor and Michael Csizmas
  • The domestic status of the European Convention on Human Rights: a second look, by Thomas Buergenthal
  • The Swiss Federal Court as a constitutional court of justice, by Edouard Zellweger
  • Digest of judicial decisions on aspects of the rule of law, by Lucian G. Weeramantry

ICJ Journal-VII-1-1966-eng (full text in English, PDF)
ICJ Journal-VII-1-1966-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)


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