The purpose of the review is to focus attention on the problems in regard to which lawyers can make their contribution to society in their respective areas of influence and to provide them with the necessary information and data.
This edition features articles on:
- Human rights in the world:
- -Minorities in Spain
- -Minorities in Indonesia
- -Namibia
- -Pakistan and Bangladesh
- -Philippines
- -Rhodesia
- -South America
- -Turkey
- Commentaries
- -Draft protocols to the Geneva Conventions
- -Law and the prevention of torture
- -UN Sub-commission on minorities and discrimination
- -International crimes tribunal in Bangladesh
- Articles
- -Future of the law of the sea by Prof. Lucius Caflisch
- -Race and social structure by M. G. O’Callaghan
- -State law and Christian conscience in South Africa by Prof. Antony Allot
- Book reviews
- Basic texts: Principles of right to leave and return
ICJ Review-11-1973-eng (full text in English, PDF)