The ICJ has submitted information to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in advance of its examination of Nepal’s third periodic report under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).
The ICJ submission draws the Committee’s attention to issues concerning Nepal’s failure to comply with certain obligations under ICESCR as a result of the fact that Nepal has undermined the independence and effective functioning of the National Human Rights Commission. The submission also voices concern over Nepal’s failure to provide a) an effective remedy for forced displacements during the armed conflict, and b) adequate rehabilitation support and compensation for human rights abuses during the armed conflict.
The Committee will examine Nepal’s third periodic report during its 53rd session in November 2014, following which it will adopt Concluding Observations setting out recommendations to the Government.
Nepal-CESCR53-LegalSubmission-2014-EN (download full ICJ submission in PDF)