In this submission, the ICJ highlights the failure of the Syrian authorities to comply with the Committee’s previous recommendations.
By letter of 23 November 2011 to the Permanent Mission of the Syrian Arab Republic to UNOG, the Committee against Torture requested Syria to present a special report, prompted by by the Committee’s deep “concern at numerous, consistent and substantiated reports and information, from various reliable sources, about the widespread violations of the provisions of the Convention by the authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic since the adoption of the Committee’s Concluding Observations on the State Party’s initial report to the Committee (CAT/C/SYR/CO/1), in May 2010”.
In response to this special reporting procedure, the ICJ is highlighting the Syrian authorities failures to: incorporate into Syrian domestic legislation the crime of torture as defined in the Convention; reform the Syrian legal framework in accordance with international human rights standards; investigate thoroughly all cases of torture and ill-treatment committed in Syrian prisons and detention facilities; and address the pressing issue of impunity for acts of torture and other serious human rights violations in Syria.
Syrian Arab Republic-Special report Torture- non-legal submission-2012 (full text in English, PDF)