The ICJ prefers to report on countries after full discussions with the government, but will not refrain from reporting on a country simply because the government declines access.
Accordingly, the ICJ decided to go ahead and undertake a study on ‘Indonesia and the Rule of Law’, describing, analysing and commenting on the state of human rights during the last two decades.
As far as possible the complete study was checked with experts both within and outside Indonesia to be sure of its accuracy. It deals fully with the constitutional and legal framework and with basic rights including those of freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association, trade unions, and freedom of the Press.
The developments of the last twenty years are measured against the Indonesian Constitution and laws as well as against the international human rights norms to which the New Order government claims adherence without ratifying any specific instruments. It also provides sufficient detail and historical perspective to enable the reader to understand the intrinsic and structural problems encountered by any Indonesian government in guaranteeing fundamental rights to its population.
Although the study is written from a legal perspective it does not shrink from describing and evaluating the ways in which the laws are applied in practice.
Indonesia-rule of law-thematic report-1987-eng (full text in English, PDF)