The ICJ, together with other NGOs, has issued a paper on the principles to be respected in the EU’s internal rules for its accession to the ECHR.
The AIRE centre, Amnesty International and the International Commission of Jurists have provided the Council Working Party on Fundamental Rights and Free Movement of Persons (FREMP) with a summary of its views on the development of the internal rules the European Union on accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The paper outlines the principles which must be respected, and the key issued which must be addressed, in the development of the internal rules, and stresses the importance of the rules to ensuring effective human rights protection under the EU Accession Agreement.
EuropeanUnion-AccessionECHR-Statement-2013 (Read the paper)
EUAccessionECHR-Paper-Joint-2013 (Read the 2013 joint paper on EU accession)
CoE-EUaccessionECHR-NGOsubmissions-2012 (Read the 2012 joint paper on EU accession)
CoE-EU-DraftAccessionAgreement-2013 (Read the draft accession agreement)