Report on legal aid and legal literacy scheme in Nepal

Document Type: Thematic Report
Date: 1994

This report is an output based on the several consultation and seminar workshops organised by the ICJ and its Nepales section to assess the existing state of legal aid and legal literacy in the country.

This report aims to account for the situation in respect of legal aid scheme including the Twinning Programme implemented by the Nepal Bar Association in cooperation with the Norwegian Bar Association.

The report consists of six chapters. The first chapter outlines conceptual framework of legal aid with reference to
the place of legal aid in the international instruments. It also pinpoints some drawbacks of the court-oriented legal aid
system. The second chapter suggests for an emphasis on legal resources capability development as an alternate
approach to legal aid and legal literacy. The third, fourth and fifth chapters of the report takes a look at the evolution and existing system of legal aid in Nepal. The role of law campus, lawyers, Nepal Bar Association is briefly reviewed. The concluding chapter provides a list of suggestions and recommendations in the domain of legal aid and legal literacy scheme in Nepal.

Nepal-legal aid legal literacy scheme-report-1994-eng (full text in English, PDF)

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