Attacks on Justice 2002: Mexico

Latin America
Issue: Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Document Type: Publication
Date: 2002

Breaches in the constitutional structure for the separation of the judiciary from the executive, were among the problems of the judiciary during the period under review.

These problems include disparity of quality in the justice provided by federal and states courts, the overly wide powers of the Office of the Public Ministry, the lack of independence of labour and military tribunals and the obstacles that indigenous people face in accessing justice. The failure on the part of the judicial authorities to account for large-scale impunity, corruption and human rights violations has caused public distrust in the judiciary. The murder of a prominent human rights lawyer in November 2001 posed doubts about the safety of human rights defenders and the possibility of a smooth transition to democracy.

Attacks on Justice 2002 – Mexico [full text, PDF]

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