The ICJ is concerned that the Government of Nepal has in recent months taken measures promoting impunity for those those responsible for gross human rights violations.
The ICJ says than the Nepalese government should rather have acted to address impunity, accountability and redress instead of ensuring that those responsible for gross human rights violations and serious crimes under international law will escape justice.
Ahead of the 22nd session of the Human Rights Council (25 February to 22 March 2013), the ICJ submitted a written statement and delivered an oral statement to the UN in response to the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on democracy and the rule of law.
Pointing to recent measures by the Government of Nepal, the ICJ has called for the Council to urge the Government to:
- Promptly establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission and a Commission of Inquiry on Disappearance, as agreed in the 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement, and in accordance with international standards;
- Implement the recommendations in the October 2012 report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights;
- Conduct prompt, independent and thorough investigations into alleged cases of past human rights violations; and
- Establish and implement vetting guidelines concerning persons holding public office.
Nepal-HRC22-Item3-Democracy&ROL-Legal Submission-2013 (download written statement in PDF)
Nepal-HRC22-Item3-Democracy&ROL-OralStatement-NonLegalSubmission-2013 (download oral statement in PDF)