Justice not impunity: international meeting on impunity of perpetrators of gross human rights violations, 1992

Issue: Advocacy
Document Type: Seminar and Conference Report
Date: 1992

Impunity for the authors of gross violations of human rights contains moral, political and juridical dimensions.

When these violations are of a grave and repeated nature or are persistent or massive, they render peaceful coexistence between human beings extremely difficult and end up constituting an obstacle to the development of democracy.

History has taught us that the impunity enjoyed by this category of violators has led to some of the very worst crimes and violations in the field of human rights. Aware of the crucial importance of this question today, the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) and the French National Consultative Human Rights Commission (Commission nationale consultative des droits de I’homme – CNCDH) organized, under the auspices of the United Nations, an “International Meeting on Impunity”, the elements of which are presented in this publication.

Impunity-conference report-1992-eng (full text in English, PDF)

Impunity-conference report-1992-fra (full text in French, PDF)

Impunity-conference report-1992-spa (full text in Spanish, PDF)

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