Racial problems in the public service: report of the British Guyana Commission of Inquiry appointed by the ICJ

Latin America
Document Type: Fact Finding Mission
Date: 1965

At the request of the Government of British Guiana, the ICJ appointed a Commission of Inquiry to investigate and make recommendations in regard to certain problems concerning racial balance in the public services of British Guiana.

The members of the Commission of Inquiry were: Mr. Justice Seamus Henchy, Ireland (Chairman); Professor Félix Ermacora, Austria; and Professor Peter A. Papadatos, Greece.

This is the first Inquiry of this nature which has been conducted into the problems of public administration in a multi-racial society. It is hoped that the Report may set a useful pattern for the solution of such problems wherever they may arise.

Guyana-racial problems in public service-fact finding mission report-1965-eng (full text in English, PDF)

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