Reports on the symposium on the independence of judges and lawyers, November 28, 1980, Helsinki

Issue: Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Document Type: Thematic Report
Date: 1981

Our ambitions were relatively modest when we started the planning of this symposium. We hoped to arrange a public meeting in order to prove to ourselves as well as to the Finnish legal community that the Finnish section of the ICJ still exists and is capable of functioning.

The Finnish national group was established in 1956. Unfortunately there has been no activity in the course of the last 13 years. As a result, the work and the role of the ICJ has remained rather unknown to Finnish jurists.

Thanks to the active encouragement of Mr. Hans Thoolen, we managed to re-activate the Finnish section in the spring of 1980. Since both the President and the Vice-President of the Finnish section had died during the years of non-activity, a whole new board was elected with Prof. Tore Modeen as President, Prof. Mikael Hidén as Vice-President and Mr. Christian Reims, Mr. Gustaf Möller and myself as members.

independence of judges and lawyers-conference report-1981-eng (full text in English, PDF)


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