In a briefing paper issued today, the ICJ presents its comments on selected key aspects of the Common Asylum procedure Regulation proposed by the European Commission.
On 13 July 2016, the European Commission published a proposal (Common Asylum procedure Regulation) to replace the current Common Asylum procedures Directive.
The ICJ submission focuses on the potential impact of the current proposal on the rights of asylum seekers in Europe, including the right to an effective remedy and the principle of non-refoulement.
In the briefing, the ICJ raises concerns at the proposal to use excessively accelerated and border procedures, even when children are involved, at the introduction of excessively short time-limits for people to access an effective remedy and at the limited scope of the proposal.
The ICJ further opposes the lack of access to information in a language an asylum seeker understands, and the limited access to legal assistance and representation and to legal aid.
The ICJ invites the co-legislators, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to take these concerns into account during their negotiations.
Europe-Common Asylum Procedure Reg-Advocacy-Analysis brief-2017-ENG (full text in PDF)