Letter on the constant harassment to which the ousted members of the Executive Bureau of the Association of Tunisian Judges (AMT) are subjected.
On the occasion of the forthcoming meeting of the International Association of Judges (IAJ), taking place in Dakar from 6 to 11 November 2010, we, the undersigned organizations, wish to bring to your attention the constant harassment to which the ousted members of the Executive Bureau of the Association of Tunisian Judges (AMT) are subjected.
A l’occasion de la tenue du congrès de l’Union Internationale de Magistrats (UIM) à Dakar du 6 au 11 novembre 2010, les organisations signataires souhaitent porter à votre attention le harcèlement permanent que subissent les membres évincés du bureau de l’Association des Magistrats Tunisiens (AMT).
Tunisia-Association des Magistrats-open letter-2010-eng (full text in english, PDF)
Tunisia-Association des Magistrats-open letter-2010-fra (full text in french, PDF)