Attacks on Justice 2002: Zimbabwe

Issue: Independence of Judges and Lawyers
Document Type: Publication
Date: 2002

Zimbabwe was in deep political and economic crisis following the onset of a violent campaign in 2000 led by “war veterans” to crush the political opposition and seize commercial farms.

Significant post-independence achievements in racial reconciliation, economic growth and development of state institutions have already been severely eroded. The continuing non-enforcement of court orders has led to the dismissal of the authority of the courts and the encouragement of general lawlessness. Following months of sustained personal attacks by the Government, its supporters and the press, Chief Justice Gubbay agreed to retire early from his judicial post. Judges and lawyers remained under persistent intimidation by the executive, signalling a further deterioration in the rule of law of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe-attacks on justice 2002-publications-2002 (full text, PDF)

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