Judgement of the Federal Constitutional Court, 1 BvL 10/10

Year: 2012 (Date of Decision: 18 July, 2012) Forum, Country: Constitutional Court; Germany Standards, Rights: Core content; Human dignity; Welfare State; Right to an adequate standard of living; Right to social security; Migrants Summary Background: The issue at stake...

Kong Yunming v. Director of Social Welfare, FACV No. 2

Year: 2013 (Date of Decision: 17 December, 2013) Forum, Country: Court of Final Appeal; Hong Kong Standards, Rights: Proportionality; Non-discrimination and equal protection of the law; Right to social security; Migrants Summary Background: This judicial review of the...

Reyes Aguilera, Daniela v. Argentina

Year: 2013 (Date of Decision: 5 February, 2013) Forum, Country: Supreme Court; Argentina Standards, Rights: Reasonableness; Proportionality; Nondiscrimination and equal protection of the law; Right to health; Right to social security; Right to an adequate standard of...

A v. Municipality of Egedal and Ministry of Labour

Year: 2012 (Date of Decision: 15 February, 2012) Forum, Country: Supreme Court; Denmark Standards, Rights: Core content; Non-discrimination and equal protection of the law; Margin of discretion; Right to an adequate standard of living; Right to social security;...
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