Section 135/1. Whoever, performing the Criminal Offence, as follows:
(1) Commit an act of violence or exercise any act to cause a danger to life or a body harm or any persons freedom harm seriously;
(2) Commit any act to cause seriously injury to transportation-system, communication-system or structure base of public interest;
(3) Commit any act to cause injury to any States property or any persons property or an envelopment to cause likely cause an important economic injury;
If such act is made by the aim to treated or enforce Thai Government, Foreign Government or International Organization make or not to make any act to cause seriously injury or for making a disorder by causing the people to be terrified, such person committing an offence of terrorization must be punished with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment from three years to twenty years and fine from six ten thousands Baht to one million Baht;
Doings by demonstration, convocation, protestation, argument or movement for demanding Government aid or to be received Justice is not offence of terrorization.
Section 218. Whoever sets fire to:
(1) A building, vessel or floating house in which a human being dwells;
(2) A building, vessel or floating house used for storage or manufacture of goods;
(3) A house of entertainment or meeting place;
(4) A building which is domain public of State, public place or place for performing religious ceremonies;
(5) A railway station, airport, or public parking or mooring place for cars or vessel;
(6) A steam-boat or motor-boat of five tons upwards, aeroplane or train used for public transportation, shall be punished with death, imprisonment for life or imprisonment of five to twenty years.
Section 226. Whoever, by any means whatever, to render a building, dock, public parking or mooring place for cars or vessel, buoy, structure, machinery, mechanical apparatus, electric wire or an equipment provided for the protection of persons or things from danger so as likely to cause danger to the other person, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.
Section 229. Whoever, by any means whatever, renders a public way, sluice gate, dam or embankment, which is a part of a public way or taking off and landing place for aeroplanes to be in the condition as likely to cause danger to traffic, shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding five years or fined not exceeding ten thousand Baht, or both.
Section 231. Whoever, by any means whatever, renders a lighthouse, buoy, signal or any other thing provided as a signal for the safety of land traffic, navigation or air navigation to be in the condition as likely to cause danger to such land traffic, navigation or air navigation, shall be punished with imprisonment of six months to seven years and fined of one thousand to fourteen thousand Baht.
Section 232. Whoever, by any means whatever, renders any of the following conveyances to be in the condition as likely to cause danger to a person:
(1) Sea-going vessel, aeroplane, train or tram;
(2) Motor-car used for public transportation; or
(3) Steam-boat or motor-boat of five tons upwards used for public transportation, shall be punished with imprisonment of six months to seven years and fined of one thousand to fourteen thousand Baht.
link to the full text of the Criminal Code: Thailand-Criminal Code-1956-eng