Chapter I

 Tasks and legal enforcement of the Criminal Procedure Code

Article 2. The legal enforcement of the Criminal Procedure Code

Any criminal proceeding in territory of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam shall be conducted pursuant to this Code.

With regard to an alien committed an offence within territory of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam who is citizen of the foreign state joined international treaty which the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam has signed or joined, the criminal proceedings shall be conducted pursuant to regulations of that international treaty.

With regard to an alien committed an offence within territory of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam who enjoys diplomatic privilege or consulate preferential treatment or immunity pursuant to Viet Nam law, international treaties which the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam has signed or joined or pursuant to international custom, the case shall be resolved by diplomatic channel.


Chapter XVI


 Article 170. Jurisdiction

1.  The district people’s Court and regional military courts shall have jurisdiction over the first trial of less serious crimes, serious crimes and very serious crimes, except the following offences:

a) Crimes of infringing upon the national security;
b) Crimes of breaking peace, crimes against the humanity and war crimes.
c) Crimes envisaged in Articles 93, 95, 96, 172, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 263, 293, 294, 295, 296, 322, 323 of the Penal Code.

2.  The provincial people’s court and zonal military courts shall have jurisdiction over the first trial of criminal cases not falling under jurisdiction of district people’s courts and regional military courts or of cases falling under jurisdiction of those courts which they takeover in their own discretion.

Article 171. Territorial jurisdiction

1. The territorial jurisdiction of a court shall be determined by the place of offence committed. In case the place of offence is unknown, a court where the investigation has been terminated shall have jurisdiction over the case.

2. In respect to an offence committed abroad by the accused to be tried in Viet Nam, the provincial court of the last domicile of the accused shall have jurisdiction over the case. If such domicile is unidentified, the president of the Supreme People’s Court shall, depending on each circumstance, by mean of a decision, designate Hanoi City People’s Court or Ho Chi Minh City People’s Court to try that case.

In respect to an offence committed abroad by the accused to be tried falling under jurisdiction of military court, zonal military courts or military court of higher level shall have jurisdiction over the case by decision of the president of the Central Military Court.

Article 172. Jurisdiction over crimes committed on board of aircraft or vessel of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam while operating outside the air and sea boundaries of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

Crimes committed on board of aircraft, vessel of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam while operating outside the air and sea boundaries of Viet Nam shall fall under jurisdiction of a Viet Nam’s court of the location of airport or seaport where such aircraft or vessel would make their first arrival or court where those aircraft, vessel have been registered.

link to the complete text of the Criminal Procedure Code, in English: VietNam-Criminal Procedure Code-2003-eng

link to the complete text of the Penal Code, in English: VietNam-Penal Code-1999-eng

link to the complete text of the Penal Code, in French: VietNam-Penal Code-1999-fra

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