This extract contains:
Chapter 6. Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism
- Definitions
- Application of Parts 2 and 3 of this Chapter
- Categorisation of nuclear material
- Levels of physical protection to be applied in international transport of nuclear material
- Protection of nuclear material during international nuclear transport
- Receipt, possession, use, transfer, etc of nuclear material
- Theft of nuclear material
- Fraudulently obtaining nuclear material
- Demanding nuclear material by threat
- Threats to use nuclear material
- Manufacture, use, etc of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
- Possession etc. of nuclear materials
- Acts involving radioactive material, nuclear devices and nuclear facilities
- Threats and demands
Chapter 9. Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
- Definitions
- Description of explosives
- Detection agents
- Manufacture of unmarked explosives
- Possession, transportation, importation or exportation of unmarked explosives
Chapter 10. Terrorist bombing
- Definition
- Delivering, placing discharging or detonating an explosive or lethal device in a public place etc
Cambodia-Law on Counter Terrorism-Articles 35 to 48, 69 to 75-eng (full text in English, PDF)
link to full text of the Law on Counter-Terrorism: Cambodia-Law on Counter Terrorism-2007-eng