The extract contains the following:

Chapter VI. Administration of Surface Transportation

  1. Surface Transportation Administration Agencies
  2. Rights and Duties of the Ministry of Communication, Transportation, Posts, and Construction
  3. Rights and Duties of the Communication, Transportation, Posts, and Construction Divisions
  4. Rights and Duties of the Communication, Transportation, Posts, and Construction Bureaus
  5. Inspection of Transportation
  6. Transportation Committee
  7. Transporters Association

Chapter VII. Policy towards those who are Productive and Measures against Offenders

  1. Policy towards those who are Productive
  2. Measures against Offenders
  3. Education and Training Measures
  4. Fines
  5. Criminal Measures

Laos-Surface Transportation Law-articles 34 to 45-1997-eng (full text in English, PDF)

link to the full text of the Surface Transportation Law: Laos-Surface Transportation Law-1997-eng

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