C. Principal areas of concern and recommendations


30. The Committee welcomes the revision of the Teenage Pregnancy Policy of 2009 on the prevention and management of pregnancy and the provision of life skills as a subject in schools which, among other things, is focused on the dangers and effects of teenage pregnancy. The Committee is concerned, however, at the high rates of pregnancy that result in girls dropping out of school, in particular in the Kavango and Kunene regions. It is also concerned that girls routinely avoid engineering courses. The Committee is further concerned about the lack of appropriate measures to enforce the law that prohibits corporal punishment and prevent its use in all settings, especially schools.

31. The Committee recommends that the State party:

(c) Intensify the provision of life skills education and ensure that age-appropriate education in sexual and reproductive health and rights is systematically integrated into school curricula, including comprehensive sex education for adolescent girls and boys covering responsible sexual behaviour;

Link to full text of the report: Concluding Observations-CEDAW-Namibia-2015-eng

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