23. While noting various measures taken by the State party, including the survey issued on 21 February 2007 by the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) on the issue of physical and sexual violence against women and the establishment on 8 March 2006 of an ad hoc toll-free Number 1522, called “Anti-violence against Women (Anti-violenza Donna)”, the Committee remains concerned about the persistence of violence against women and children, including domestic violence. The Committee further regrets that the State party did not provide statistical data on complaints, prosecutions and sentences in matters of domestic violence. (articles 1, 2, 12 and 16)
The State party should increase its efforts to prevent, combat and punish violence against women and children, including the adoption of the Bill on “Awareness raising and prevention measures as well as the repression of crimes against the individual or within the household, on account of sexual orientation, gender identity and any other reason of discrimination” (Chamber Act No. 2169) which envisages, inter alia, the systematic collection and analysis of data on violence, including domestic violence.
link to full text of Concluding Observation:
Conclusions and recommendations-Committee against Torture-Italy-2007-eng