284. On 2 (sic) December 2002, the Special Representative transmitted an urgent appeal regarding Don Vitaliano Della Sala, a priest serving in the parish of San Giacomo in the region of Sant’ Angelo à Scala, who has reportedly been removed from his functions. It is alleged that the decision to remove him was taken by Bishop Tarcisio Giovanni Nazzaro and was motivated, in part, by the participation of Don Vitaliano Della Sala in a “gay pride” march in defence of the human rights of homosexuals. {{55}}
[[55]] Please note that this case is also mentioned in the 2004 annual report to the Commission on Human Rights of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights defender, E/CN.4/2004/94/Add.3, March 23, 2004, para. 238.[[55]]
link to full text of the Report: Report-SR Human Rights Defenders-2003