374. On 1 December 2006, the Special Representative sent a letter of allegation to the Government of Israel concerning threats against participants in the proposed Gay Pride Parade which was scheduled to take place in Jerusalem on 10 November 2006. According to the information received, the organisers of the Gay Pride Parade met with authorities in order to establish a less controversial route for the march which would avoid ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighbourhoods as the police had stated that they could not provide adequate security for the original route. However the march was later cancelled altogether due to the severe nature of the threats issued, as last year on 30 June 2005 an ultra-orthodox Jewish man reportedly stabbed three people during the fourth annual gay pride parade. Concern was expressed about the reported threats and harassment of human rights defenders campaigning for equality and against discrimination based on perceived sexual orientation. Further concern was expressed that such harassment might prevent peaceful demonstrators from carrying out their legitimate human rights activities.
381. She urges the Government to respond to her communications and the concerns raised by her in her: allegation letter of 22 December 2005 concerning Qasem Qasem; the urgent appeal of 12 January 2006 concerning Catherine Richards; the joint urgent appeal of 20 January 2006 concerning Hassan Mustafa Hassan Zaka; the joint urgent appeal of 14 March 2006 concerning Ziyad Muhammad Shehadeh Hmeidan; the allegation letter of 11 April 2006 regarding Brian Morgan; the allegation letter of 28 April 2006 concerning Sister Anne Montgomery, Tore Ottesen , Karien Laier, Brian Larsen and Anna Svennson; the urgent appeal of 19 May 2006 concerning Mr Ziyad Muhammad Shehadeh Hmeidan; the joint allegation letter of 2 June 2006 concerning Ms Kate Maynard; the joint allegation letter of 6 June 2006 concerning Hassan Mustafa Hassan Zaka; the joint letter of allegation of 17 October 2006 concerning the Ansar Al-Sajeen (Prisoners Friends’ Association) in Israel and in the West Bank and Mr Munir Mansour; the joint urgent appeal of 25 October 2006 concerning Ahmad Abu Haniya; joint letter of allegation of 1 December 2006 concerning Ziyad Muhammad Shehadeh Hmeidan; letter of allegation of 1 December 2006 concerning Tove Johansson of the International Solidarity Movement; and letter of allegation of 1 December 2006 concerning the Gay Pride Parade.
Link to full text of the report: http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/docs/4session/A-HRC-4-37-Add-1.pdf