IV. Findings
A. Positive aspects
38. The Government permits visits to prisons by independent human rights observers. Independent visits to places of detention are not subject to administrative discretion but rather are guaranteed by law. Transgender inmates can serve their sentences in a prison for their identified gender. The Government is trying to reduce the level of reoffending among female inmates by setting up preventative programmes, and mother-baby feeding facilities, and by enhancing opportunities for family visits. Children aged up to 9 months or 2 years (depending on the prison) are allowed to live with their mothers in prison.
V. Conclusions
95. Domestic law permits prison visits by independent human rights observers. Transgender inmates can serve their sentences in a prison for their identified gender. Courts pay for all interpretation and translation services. Prison facilities comply with international standards.
Link to full text of the report: Report-WGAD-New Zealand-2015-eng