Concluding Observations, CAT/C/ARM/CO/4, 5 December 2016: Armenia

C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Inter-prisoner violence and violence and degrading treatment against homosexual prisoners and sex offenders 31. The Committee is concerned at reports of the high incidence of inter-prisoner violence in penitentiary...

Concluding Observations, CAT/C/NAM/CO/2, 1 December 2016: Namibia

C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Non-refoulement 26. The Committee notes that the bill on prevention and combating of torture provides for the prohibition of refoulement, in accordance with the Convention, and that the delegation gave assurances...

Concluding Observations, CAT/C/ECU/CO/7, 28 November 2016: Ecuador

B. Positive aspects 6. The Committee commends the State party’s efforts to adjust its policies and procedures in order to ensure greater protection for human rights and to apply the Convention, in particular: (b) The adoption of a protocol for the treatment of members...

Concluding Observations, CAT/C/HND/CO/2, 10 August 2016: Honduras

C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Violence committed on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity 49. The Committee expresses its concern at the information included in the periodic report about violent deaths of lesbian, gay, bisexual and...

Concluding Observations, CAT/C/MNG/CO/2, 9 August 2016: Mongolia

C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Violence against women and domestic violence 27. While welcoming the forthcoming entry into force on 1 September 2016 of the amended Criminal Code criminalizing domestic violence and other forms of violence against...
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