South Africa: ICJ concerned by the tragic events at the Lonmin mines

Aug 17, 2012 | News

The ICJ has  observed  with  deep concern the tragic and violent events that took place at the Lonmin mines since 10 august 2012, when miners embarked on a collective action for an increase in wages.The lives that have been lost during this short period bring to the fore various issues concerning the realization of economic and social rights, including the sensitive issue of business and human rights. Poverty, lack of employment and many other socio-economic issues sometimes lead to frustrations, which in turn manifest themselves in violence.

Violence leads to the violation of human rights, threatens fundamental freedoms and places the rule of law at a risk, the ICJ says.

“Socio-economic challenges which face many African states today require a balance between the need to ensure profitable return for economic development, and the need for protection and respect of human rights”, said Arnold Tsunga, Director of the ICJ Africa Regional Programme.

The ICJ encourages all stakeholders, including law enforcement agencies, to continue to find means to resolve this situation amicably, and urges them to respect and protect the human rights of all those affected by the Lonmin tragedy.

The ICJ also encourages the South African government to continue to develop and implement policies and legislation, which will assist in the alleviation of the socio-economic issue that are the reality of many South Africans.
For further information: Arnold Tsunga, Director, ICJ Africa Regional Programme, t +27 73 131 8411 or +27 11 024 8268; e:

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