US and Malawi: rule of law compromised in fight against terrorism
The ICJ condemned joint Malawi/US action to deport five suspects from Malawi in the name of terrorism and in violation of a court order.
The ICJ condemned joint Malawi/US action to deport five suspects from Malawi in the name of terrorism and in violation of a court order.
The ICJ and other rights groups are deeply concerned about the increase of Israeli restrictions against human rights and humanitarian workers.
The ICJ expressed disappointment today at the ruling by Israel’s Supreme Court allowing for the deportation of West Bank residents Antisar Ajouri and Kifah Ajouri to Gaza.
On 26 August, the High Court of Justice of Israel heard the beginning of oral arguments by lawyers for Kifah and Intisar Ajuri and Abdel Nasser Asida. The three petitioners are relatives of persons accused by Israel of having carried out acts of terrorism.
The ICJ confirmed today that a representative of its Australian section who had travelled to Indonesia to monitor the progress of a number of political trials currently underway had been denied access and deported.