Expert discussion on economic, social and cultural rights: labour guarantees in national and international law
Today, the ICJ and the Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) are launching a series of expert discussions on economic, social and cultural rights (ESC) to advance civil society in promoting these rights in Uzbekistan.
These expert discussions are part of the project “Access to justice in economic, social and cultural rights project (ACCESS)” supported by the European Union.
They aimed to increase awareness about the implementation of international law and standards on ESC rights before national courts, to facilitate access to justice for ESC rights and effective use of international human rights law for ESC rights.
Every two months, they will bring together lawyers, advocates, specialists, academia and law students via interactive discussions, research papers, peer review articles and policy papers. Selected papers will be published by the end of 2019.
“The cooperation of our university with the ICJ and with support of the European Union opens big perspectives for all of us,” said Esemurat Kaniyazov, Rector of TSUL and Deputy minister of justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
“Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) is happy to start cooperation with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), which will have an impact into further increase of awareness level of the society about implementation of the international legal norms and standards in economic, social and cultural rights in domestic courts, access to justice from point of view of economic, social and cultural rights and also effective application of international human rights law for protection of these rights,” he added.
“So, planned cooperation will affect further progress in conducting research of the normative and legal base of Uzbekistan in economic, social and cultural tights and follow the obligations of the international human rights law,” Kaniyazov said.
“These discussions on economic, social and cultural rights as justiciable rights in light of international human rights law are crucial for the understanding the legal nature of ESC rights and ability of individuals to have access to justice when defending them,” said Temur Shakirov, Senior legal adviser of ICJ.
“Economic, social and cultural rights including the right to work and equitable conditions of work, social security, family life and access to housing, food, water, health care and education and other human rights can and must be guaranteed as enshrined in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights to which Uzbekistan is a party. The ICJ looks forward to this initiative we are starting jointly with the TSUL,” he added.
Dilfuza Kurolova, ICJ Legal consultant, t: +998 90 9050099 ; e: dilfuza.kurolova(a)icj.org