Uzbekistan: Expert Discussions on economic, social and cultural rights (ESC) rights and standards – Video

Mar 12, 2019 | Multimedia items, News, Video clips

Today, the ICJ and the Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) in partnership with the UN Human Rights Office in Central Asia are organizing this event. The topic of the Third Expert Discussion is rights of persons with disabilities.

The Expert Discussions are part of “Access to Justice in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Project (ACCESS)” supported by the European Union.

The Expert Discussions are aimed at increasing awareness about the implementation of international law and standards on ESC rights by national courts, to facilitate access to justice in relation to ESC rights and effective use of international human rights law for ESC rights at the national level.

Each Expert Discussion is supported by presentations of international and national experts.

The first experts’ meeting was held in September 2018 on international standards in labour rights, and the second meeting – held in December 2018 – on the principle of non-discrimination in courts and court decisions.

The two events brought together lawyers, defense lawyers, individual experts, academia representatives and law students via interactive discussions, research papers, peer review articles and policy papers. Selected papers will be published in collection of scientific articles by the end of 2019.

Mansurkhon Kamalov, the Deputy Rector of TSUL, said: “We have already held two expert discussions on the right to work and the principle of non-discrimination in courts together with the ICJ with the support of the European Union. Each event touched upon international and national standards and legal regulation of specific ESC rights. Our meeting today is organized on the eve of celebrating the day when independent Uzbekistan became a full member of the UN; and it raises a very relevant topic not only for the country, but also for the international community as a whole. The TSUL is pleased to cooperate with the ICJ, which helps increase public awareness about international legal norms and standards in the field of ESC rights and practice of their implementation at the national and international level; access to justice with regard to ESC rights, as well as the effective use of international human rights law to protect these rights at the national level.”

Ryszard Komenda, Head of the UN Human Rights Office in Central Asia, said: “Today, about 10 per cents of the population are persons with disabilities. Persons with disabilities are the largest minority in the world. This figure is constantly increasing as a result of demographic growth, progress in healthcare systems, and the overall population aging patterns, according to WHO’s world data. In the framework of the Universal periodic review (UPR) of Uzbekistan, that was held for the third time in May 2018, a number of the UN Human Rights Council members called on Uzbekistan to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and welcomed measures that have been already in the process of implementation with the aim to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in the country. According to the UPR outcome document, the Republic of Uzbekistan accepted relevant recommendations and declared its intention to ratify the Convention. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities will be a significant step in further promoting and ensuring implementation of international human rights standards in the Republic of Uzbekistan.”

Dmitriy Nurumov, ICJ Legal Consultant, said: “Access to justice, which includes a fair trial and equality before the law, is of particular importance for people living with a disability, who often face inter-sectional and multiple barriers to access justice. The ICJ believes that inclusive societies in which all individuals have equal access to justice, require identifying and overcoming systemic and practical barriers that hamper equal access to justice, including in enjoyment of ESC rights. The ICJ hopes that today’s discussion will map out such existing barriers and the ways they can be overcome.”


Dilfuza Kurolova, ICJ Legal consultant, t: +998 90 9050099 ; e: dilfuza.kurolova(a)

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