Anti-Terrorism (Financial and other Measures) Act, Articles 3-5 (2002)

Prohibition against provision or collection of funds for terrorists. 3. No person shall in Brunei Darussalam, and no citizen of Brunei Darussalam and no company incorporated or registered under the Companies Act (Chapter 39) shall outside Brunei Darussalam, — (a)...

Internationally Protected Persons Act (1995)

An Act to implement the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes against Internationally Protected Persons adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1973 The Act contains four Sections: Short title and commencement. Attacks and threats of attacks...

Internationally Protected Persons Act, Article 2 (1995)

2.  (1) If a person, whether a citizen of Brunei Darussalam or not, does outside Brunei Darussalam – (a) any act to or in relation to a protected person which, if he had done it in any part of Brunei Darussalam would have made him guilty of the offence of...

Criminal Law (Prevention and Detention) Act, Chapter 150 (1984)

An Act to provide for the detention and police supervision of persons who have been associated with activities of a criminal nature and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid. The Act contains the following Sections: Citation Power of Minister to make...

Internal Security Act (1982, 2002)

The Act consists of 4 Parts, 10 Chapters and 66 Sections. The Parts and Chapters are the following: Preliminary General Provisions relating to Internal Security Powers of Preventive Detention Control of Entertainments and Exhibitions Other powers for the prevention of...
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