Concluding Observations, CCPR/C/GHA/CO/1, 8 July 2016: Ghana
C. Principal matters of concern and recommendations Discrimination based on sexual orientation 43. The Committee is concerned about reports that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons are subjected to discrimination, intimidation and harassment and about the...Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to health, A/HRC/20/15/Add.1,10 April 2012: Ghana
III. HEALTH SYSTEM HIV/AIDS under NHIS 21. Although knowledge of HIV/AIDS in Ghana is high, this broad awareness has not translated into knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention. While 98 per cent of women and 99 per cent of men have heard of HIV/AIDS, only 25 per cent of...
ICJ condemns detention of two Ghanaian lawyers
The ICJ’s Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers (CIJL) has called on the government of Ghana to release two leading lawyers detained without charges.

ICJ concerned by recent events in Ghana
The ICJ has sent a cable to President Nkrumah of Ghana concerning reports of arrests, it was announced today.
Sir Leslie Munro, the Secretary-General of the Commission, stated that the Commission has learned with “profound concern” of recent reports of the arrest of leading lawyers and a large number of other persons and “in view of the disquiet these reports are having on the world legal community” requested information concerning the charges against those arrested.