Concluding Observations, CAT/C/IRQ/CO/1, 12 August 2015: Iraq
C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Violence against individuals on grounds of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity 25. The Committee is concerned at reliable reports of attacks, some of which have resulted in deaths, against...Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, A/HRC/29/51, 16 June 2015
27. ISIL has been particularly brutal and discriminatory against women. Information collected indicates that, in addition to confining women largely to their homes and dictating what they must wear, with whom they may socialize and where they may work,{{50}} ISIS...Concluding Observations, CRC/C/IRQ/CO/2-4, 30 January 2015: Iraq
IV. Main areas of concern and recommendations B. General principles (arts. 2, 3, 6 and 12 of the Convention) Non-discrimination 19. The Committee is concerned about persistent discrimination against various groups of children in the State party, including children...
Trial of Saddam Hussein: ICJ urges fundamental rethink if all participants cannot be effectively protected
If the authorities cannot ensure the security of the trial of Saddam Hussein and the long-term safety of judges, lawyers, victims, witnesses and families, they’ll have to re-think and make changes to how and where the Iraqi High Criminal Court operates.