Concluding Observations, CAT/C/MNG/CO/2, 9 August 2016: Mongolia

C. Principal subjects of concern and recommendations Violence against women and domestic violence 27. While welcoming the forthcoming entry into force on 1 September 2016 of the amended Criminal Code criminalizing domestic violence and other forms of violence against...

Concluding Observations, CCPR/C/MNG/CO/5, 2 May 2011: Mongolia

9. The Committee notes with regret, as acknowledged by the State party, the widespread discriminatory attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons (arts. 20, 24 and 26 of the Covenant). The State party should take urgent measures to address...

Concluding Observations, CAT/C/MNG/CO/1, 20 January 2011: Mongolia

Discrimination and violence against vulnerable groups 25.The Committee is concerned: (a) About reports that there is no comprehensive domestic law against discrimination and that hate crimes and speech is not an offence under the law. The Committee is also concerned...
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