Vietnam: Stop the arbitrary arrest and detention of environmental human rights defenders

Vietnam: Stop the arbitrary arrest and detention of environmental human rights defenders

Today, the ICJ and nine other human rights and environmental organizations express grave concern over the recent arbitrary arrest, detention, and silencing of several environmental human rights defenders (EHRDs) speaking out against harmful business operations supported by the government.

The arrest of environmentalist Hoang Thi Minh Hong, her husband and two staff members on 31 May 2023 on trumped-up charges of tax evasion is just another case in the increased targeting of EHRDs in Vietnam. 

Southeast Asia: governments must act to counter abusive lawsuits brought by businesses targeting human rights and public interest advocates (SLAPPs)

Southeast Asia: governments must act to counter abusive lawsuits brought by businesses targeting human rights and public interest advocates (SLAPPs)

“Business enterprises continue to use their clout to nullify the work of human rights and public interest advocates through abusive lawsuits (SLAPPs) and far more needs to be done by governments to protect against this practice,” said the panelists during the forum titled ‘Addressing SLAPPs Against Human Rights Defenders in South-East Asia: Challenges and Lessons Learned’ on 9 June 2023.

Vietnam: National Action Plan on Responsible Business developed without adequate stakeholder participation

Vietnam: National Action Plan on Responsible Business developed without adequate stakeholder participation

On 10 March 2023, the ICJ submitted preliminary comments and recommendations to the Ministry of Justice of Vietnam, indicating that there has been a lack of inclusive participation in developing the National Action Plan on Policy and Law Improvement to Promote Responsible Business Practices in Vietnam (2023-2027) (‘draft NAP’). In addition, the plan has failed to fully incorporate the existing international human rights law framework, selling short individuals and communities adversely affected by the conduct of business activities.

Vietnam: UN Human Rights Council candidacy demands progress on human rights

Vietnam: UN Human Rights Council candidacy demands progress on human rights

UN General Assembly resolution 60/251 requires that members elected to the Human Rights Council (HRC) uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights. We, the undersigned organizations, have held longstanding and publicly expressed concerns about the state of human rights in Viet Nam. Viet Nam must immediately commit to taking concrete steps to improve its human rights performance, including by releasing arbitrarily detained human rights defenders, including journalists, ensuring the rights to freedom of expression and association, and improving cooperation with international human rights mechanisms. Such steps would be needed for Viet Nam to become a credible member of the Council.

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