Human rights obligations of business: beyond the corporate responsibility to respect?

Nov 25, 2013 | Agendas, Events

This is the title of a book to be launched on Monday 2 December at the UN in Geneva, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Ecuador, and the ICJ.

Do the ‘Respect, Protect, and Remedy Framework and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights adequately address the challenges concerning the human rights obligations of business?

This book engages critically with these important developments. The chapters in the book revolve around four key issues: the process and methodology adopted; the source and justification of corporate human rights obligations; the nature and extent of such obligations; and the implementation and enforcement thereof.

In addition to highlighting several shortcomings of the Framework and the Guiding Principles, the contributing authors also outline a vision for the twenty first century in which companies have obligations to society that go beyond the responsibility to respect human rights.

Ian Seiderman, ICJ’s Legal and Policy Director, will be one of the discussants.

Invitation UNOG Business-event-2013 (full text in pdf)

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