Aug 2, 2009 | Events
The meeting on reform of the legal system in Zimbabwe convened by the ICJ and other human rights institutions adopted a final resolution containing a clear analysis of the situation and recommendations for reforms.
Zimbabwe-Seminar reform legal system-event-2009 (full text in English, PDF)
Sep 25, 2006 | Events
The International Bar Association, in conjunction with the American Bar Association, held a symposium: ‘The Rule of Law – A Plan For Action’ on 16-17 September 2006 in Chicago.
Mary Robinson (photo), ICJ Commissioner and Member of the ICJ Eminent Jurists Panel on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights, gave a speech.
This symposium gave the opportunity to bar leaders and lawyers from all over the world to discuss the issue of the Rule of Law.
For more information, consult:
Please find below a copy of the speech:
Speech Mary Robinson-Events-2006 (full text, PDF)
Dec 9, 2005 | News
The ICJ welcomed today’s unanimous ruling of the House of Lords reaffirming the absolute ban on evidence procured by torture.
Jan 10, 2003 | News
An ICJ delegation will visit Swaziland from 12-20 January to gather information on the functioning of the judiciary and legal profession.
Sep 8, 2000 | News
The International Bar Association (IBA) and the ICJ deplore the dismissal of lawyer Zainur Zakaria’s appeal against a 3-month jail sentence for contempt of court.