Italy: ICJ presents intervention at House of Representatives on security bills

The ICJ intervention focuses on aspects of the Security Bill and the Law Decree which give rise to particular human rights concerns.

The ICJ presented today to the Italian House of Representatives its intervention on Bills no. C.2180, “Provisions in Matter of Public Security” and C.2232, “Conversion into Law of Law Decree 23 February 2009, no. 11, on Urgent Measures in Matters of Public Security, of Countering Sexual Violence, and on Stalking” on the implications of their provisions for international law.

Elements of the Bill which are of concern include provisions affecting irregular migrants, such as the offence of illegal entry and stay in the territory and the rules related to expulsion, the extension of administrative detention for migrants, the removal of the defence for medical personnel on denouncing irregular migrants, the norms on “money transfer”, and the modification to the Civil Code affecting irregular migrants’ right to marry.

Finally, the ICJ intervention deals also with the international human rights law implications of the measures reforming the “hard” penitentiary regime, so-called “41-bis” detention regime.


Italy-ICJ intervention on House of Representatives-Non-legal submissions-2009-Eng (full text, PDF)

Italy-ICJ intervention on House of Representatives-Non-legal submissions-2009-Ita (full text, PDF)

Italy-ICJ intervention on House of Representatives (Summary)-Non-legal submissions-2009-Eng (full text, PDF)

Italy-ICJ intervention on House of Representatives (Summary)-Non-legal submissions-2009-Ita (full text, PDF)

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